Frequently asked questions
Q: What are your rules for sharing/copying material from the conference (articles or films) with family or friends/church or on social media?
A: NVIC is greatly encouraged by the numbers of supporters who helped sponsor and purchased tickets for the Fifth 5th International Public Conference on Vaccination: Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century held online Oct. 16-18, 2020. The financial support by concerned citizens and groups committed to health freedom made it possible for NVIC to coordinate and engage professionals to technically produce our conference online during a year when social distancing and travel restrictions made it impossible for us to hold the conference in a hotel.
The cutting-edge information on vaccine science, policy, law, and protecting civil liberties and the human right to informed consent to medical risk-taking presented by 51 distinguished speakers at our conference is an important compilation of knowledge that has been viewed by thousands of people around the world.
We fully understand the urgency of addressing proposed COVID-19 vaccine mandates and elimination of vaccine exemptions in 2021 U.S. state legislative sessions and encourage you to let your friends, family, legislators and community leaders know that they can view this conference information for free. The speaker presentations included in this conference are the intellectual property of the National Vaccine Information Center and speaker video presentations must remain intact when being shared with others. NVIC will be formally publishing the conference proceedings in a book next year.
Q. How Can I Stay Connected with and Get Information from NVIC?
A. During this challenging time of unprecedented social change that affects our health and the way we live our lives, it is very important to stay in touch with people who understand and share your values, beliefs, aspirations, and hope for the future. Like all individuals and organizations that have challenged the status quo throughout history, NVIC is experiencing calls for censorship so that the information we provide to the public can be eliminated from the public square by those who want to silence our voice.
Please make the commitment to stay connected to NVIC and up-to-date on emerging and ever-changing vaccine science, policy, law and ethics so you can take action in your own community to protect the human and legal right to make voluntary choices about health and vaccination for yourself and your children without being coerced or sanctioned for the choice you make. You can stay connected with NVIC in a number of different ways:
Register for the free online NVIC Advocacy Portal to get email action alerts about vaccine bills moving in your state and be put into electronic contact with your own legislators.
Go to to access referenced information on diseases and vaccines and subscribe to NVIC's free online weekly journal newspaper The Vaccine Reaction.
Become an NVIC follower and stay in touch with us on social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MeWe, Parler, Telegram, U-Tube, Bitchute and Vimeo.
Thank you for your interest and support of NVIC’s work to protect health and autonomy in the 21st Century.