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PHOTO - Mom and Dad with newborn breastf

about Us

National Vaccine Information Center 

In 1982, the educational charity known today as the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) was established in the U.S. by parents of DPT vaccine injured children. Dedicated to preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education, NVIC is the oldest and largest consumer-led non-profit organization in the U.S. that publishes information on vaccines and infectious diseases. 


NVIC co-founders were responsible for securing vaccine safety informing, recording, reporting and research provisions in the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and for playing a leading role in obtaining a less reactive acellular pertussis vaccine licensed for infants in 1996. NVIC has an unparalleled four-decade public record disseminating well referenced information about vaccination and health and advocating for:


  • better quality vaccine science;

  • the identification of individuals genetically, epigenetically and environmentally more susceptible to adverse responses to vaccination;

  • raising vaccine licensing standards;

  • ensuring transparency and accountability in the mass vaccination system, including elimination of financial conflicts of interest between pharmaceutical companies, academia and government health agencies; and

  • inclusion of informed consent protections in public health policies and laws.


NVIC does not make vaccine use recommendations, rather we maintain that the ethical principle of informed consent to medical risk taking serves as the moral foundation for the ethical practice of medicine and should be respected in public health policy and law making.


NVIC sponsored the Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination originally broadcast online Oct. 16-18, 2020 with the theme of “Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century.” As of Feb. 2, 2021, NVIC opened the conference website for free viewing of presentations.

PHOTO cropped - 1999 Press Conference US
PHOTO - Audience at 4th International Pu

The four previous international public conferences NVIC sponsored in 1997, 2000, 2002 and 2009 were held in a hotel in the Washington DC area. This conference was originally scheduled to be held in a hotel, as well. However, when social distancing and travel restrictions were instituted in the U.S. and other countries in March 2020, NVIC pivoted to producing a virtual conference that was broadcast online so more people could attend.

PHOTO - Mom and Dad with newborn breastf

about Us

The Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination

NVIC’s 2020 online conference was professionally produced to include formal presentations featuring 51 distinguished speakers from the U.S. and other countries. Our presenters offered their knowledge and personal experiences to empower and inspire attendees to make well-informed decisions about health and vaccination. The titles of presentations and speakers who are discussing these subjects are on the Speaker Page (see here for the full list)


The goal of NVIC’s 2020 Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination: Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century conference is to provide high quality information and perspective about how industry, medical trade, academia and government impact the advancement of vaccine science, policy, law and ethics within the context of emerging medical research, and how suppression of independent scientific inquiry, censorship of rational criticism and erosion of informed consent rights threaten health and human rights. This conference celebrates freedom of thought, speech, conscience and the human right to autonomy and informed consent to medical risk taking.

Our World is Changing

The only constant in life is change and we are living in a time when our world is rapidly changing before our eyes at a dizzying pace. The new technology revolutionizing global mass communication has had a profound effect on our lives. Scientific and medical information about disease, vaccination and health is available to all online now, even as the practice of medicine is changing and so is the scope and enforcement of public health policies and laws in the U.S. and around the world.


Knowledge is Power


Electronically connected, we are able to talk with each other about what we think and how we feel about threats to autonomy and freedom of thought, speech and conscience, which endangers civil liberties and human rights. We can keep our balance and think rationally during a time when great changes are taking place by empowering ourselves with knowledge so we can understand what is happening and make informed choices about what we can do to take control of our health and our future.

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Experiencing Community

Following the declaration of a coronavirus pandemic by the World Health Organization in March 2020 and the institution of physical social distancing regulations in most countries, people in the U.S. and around the world have struggled to stay connected with their family, friends, and colleagues. The unprecedented circumstances we find ourselves in this year make it even more important to share our thoughts and common experiences as a community of concerned citizens.

Featuring 51 selected speakers, NVIC’s conference provides a unique educational experience.


This conference is divided into four main themes:


·      Show Us the Science

·      US and International Vaccine Choice Advocacy

·      The Paradigm Shift Toward Health & Liberty

·      Growing Our Grass Roots Advocacy


This conference presents information about making informed vaccination decisions and practical tools for vaccine choice advocacy no matter where you live. 

PHOTO - Bob Sears at 2009 4th Internatio

Now is the time for us to learn together and empower each other to take action to protect our right to know and freedom to make informed, voluntary decisions about healing and staying well.






This conference will expand your knowledge about infectious and chronic diseases, vaccination and health. You should plan to attend if you want to learn from and be inspired by distinguished speakers who are among the brightest and best publishing in the medical and professional literature and who are committed to defending your right to know and freedom to decide how to heal and stay well.

Shared Experience

This conference will provide you with an unforgettable shared online experience. Enjoy being part an enlightened community that respects real life experiences and values freedom of thought and belief. 



If you want to protect your civil and human rights, this conference will affirm your cherished values and beliefs so you are highly motivated to take constructive action to protect them.



This conference will provide practical tools and tips for how to become a vaccine choice advocate in your state and work with others to protect your legal right to exercise voluntary, informed consent to vaccination.

Be the One

If you are awake and committed to being "the one who never has to say you did not do today what you could have done to change tomorrow," this conference is one you cannot miss!

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Replenish Your Toolbox and Get Energized

New trends, strategies and innovations for protecting your options for healing and staying well are emerging every day. At this conference, NVIC​ will help you stay up-to-date on the latest legislative issues - from what is going on at the federal level on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC to new bills being introduced in state legislatures - that have a profound effect on your life and that of your children and grandchildren.


This conference carves out a special time for you to obtain new information and participate in a shared learning experience with people who have come together online for the same reason. You will be empowered to take your advocacy work to another level, immediately using the information you get at this conference to take positive action in your life and also share it with your family, friends and community.

What people said after attending NVIC's 2020 Conference

"Hello and THANK YOU for an amazing program so far! My husband and I have been glued to our laptops soaking in the information that the presenters are dishing out. We are bronze sponsors and will be able to go back to listen to the conference again…. Thank you for standing up and being strong so that human rights are preserved! We love and appreciate you all! Bless you all."

   "Thank you so much. This is the best conference…You guys are doing world saving work."


   "Just finished watching your conference. THANK YOU for all your efforts. What an achievement! We will win this war."


   "The conference was wonderful with so much helpful information...I greatly appreciate all of your hard work in bringing this conference to us."


   "Awesome selection of speakers!  Bravo to all who pulled it all together so cohesively!"


   "Barbara, thank you for the most eloquent, compassionate speech I have ever heard that you gave on the second day of the Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination just before the dinner break. It is my hope your speech will be heard around the world. Thank you for all the work you and your organization does and for the symposium." 

PHOTO - BLF and Kathi Mar. 3, 2018 ICPA

NVIC Co-Founders
Barbara Loe Fisher and
Kathi Williams

Copyright 2020-2021 National Vaccine Information Center. All Rights Reserved.
21525 Ridgetop Circle, Suite 100 Sterling, VA 20166

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